Sunday, December 31, 2006

New Year's Eve

On New Year's Eve, we gussied up and went Woo's for dinner.

The girls, Rich, and I had a good time. Of course, we ate too much! Hannah had a root beer float in honor of her birthday.

Saturday, December 30, 2006

New Cookware Requires Kitchen Reorganization

Rich's new cookware has caused a complete--okay, nearly complete--reorganization of the kitchen. Part of the reorganization involves a new baker's rack to hold several pots, pans, steamers, and most of the main course and cooking dishes.

The proximity of the baker's rack makes setting the table and counter extremely easy.

The top of the baker's rack allows for a storage place for hot foods that don't quite fit on the table when we have lots of guests.

As you can tell, Harry's den has been displaced, too.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

32.9 Degrees Farenheit

It's December 21. The sugar cookies are on the kitchen counter. Holiday break is a day away. It's winter solstice. Christmas is only 4 days away. I remember 1988. There was no snow then, either. I cried. So far, we've had over a half an inch of rain today. Again, it's supposed to rain all day tomorrow. Did we move to Arkansas? But isn't the river birch lovely? Its icicles don't know whether to drip or freeze.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Harold's New Look

Harold returned from the barber this afternoon. To begin, we called him Sanchez. After some time, however, we realized his beard is really a moustache similiar to Salvador Dali's.

Harry still loves his chair--even with the new haircut.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Some Final Touches

Here's Harold nestled into the new zebra douvet cover. He's perfectly happy to hang out on Lauren's bed. His beard is long, and he needs a haircut.

Lauren had a few Paris pictures to add to the domino shelves. Now, it seems finished.