Saturday, May 10, 2008

Midsummer Night's Dream at the Gutherie!

One must simply LOVE the architecture of the new Gutherie! Scary at times, though!

The views are spectacular!

Midsummer Night's Dream at the Guthrie!

The new Gutherie sits right on the river in Minneapolis. When we went to see a Midsummer Night's Dream on May 10, the weather was gorgeous--at least to start!

Before the play, we ate at a restaurant on the property. The food was delightful! Ask me about the polenta!

Driving home, of course, per the norm, the weather turned foul! We maintained our spirits, however, by recapping the play and singing.

Some of us were extremely happy!

Monday, May 05, 2008

New Roof?

Really, we didn't even notice that the shingles looked like this. It's not often that I "hoof it" over the roof.

The sad state of the shingles, however, after only two years of our living here was a complete and total bummer to us--especially when we had to find out about the issue via water "drippage" in Lauren's bedroom! Garbage! More painting, now, too!

I suppose it was lucky for us that this particular brand and "date" of shingle had already been "reported" as having deficiencies. Our roofers took pictures of the roof size and recorded the number of shingle packages necessary to replace the roof.

In the end, the leakage stopped, Rich and I both endured and chuckled about the roofers' antics, and we got a new roof. Let's hope this isn't necessary for a very, very long time. OMG! How much more must we replace?