Sunday, February 18, 2007

New Gutherie Trip

The old Gold Medal grainery and mill is right next to the new Gutherie Theater. The mill was probably located next to the river for easy barge access.

The new Gutherie is full of interesting visual features: glass, lighting, and mirrors. Here we are messing around with one of the rectangular windows which is framed in mirrors.

A portion of the building juts out toward the Mississippi River. You can see some of the windows from the previous shot here. This huge projecting portion of the building has nothing holding it up which makes for an incredibly strange feeling when one stands in the furthest part of the building. One bartender told us that shortly after the building opened this section "settled." He said it felt like he was in an elevator when it "bobs" a few times before the door opens.

More interesting reflection on the left of the picture. This portion is actually a mirror on the left side of a rectangular window that reflect the Mississippi River behind us. The right side of the picture, however, is actually a front portion of the Gutherie.

On the 9th floor is Joe Dowling's Studio. It's basically a big room with windows all the way around and a window in the floor, which is REALLY scary if you have any fear of heights at all. Because it is so bright, the windows are tinted--hence the green background.


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