Friday, December 28, 2007

Grand Canyon, Arizona

The next leg of our trip was to the Grand Canyon, Arizona. It was MIGHTY cold! Overnight temperatures were below zero, and when we went to the Grand Canyon, it was about 2 above zero, F. Over the course of the day, the temps. rose to about 15 or 20 degrees F.

Frankly, the heights were fairly scary. When I walked to this area the first time, my knees shook, and I had to climb back to the rim. Clearly, this is an age thing. Never before have I had this. I actually needed someone to hold my hand to get back to this railing.

The scapes were so surreal, they seemed like pictures. Certainly, this couldn't be real. Bizarre, but beautiful!

Once the sun came up, the views were even better. Donning hHats, scarves, and mittens didn't help with the cold much; however, the scenery DID change. Amazing!

I wish we would have had more time--and warmer temperatures. These hikes could have lasted for days!


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